The "flying player" - the Panini Football Logo

Already often seen and admired, hardly anyone knows how it came about ...
On January 15, 1950, in the football duel between AC Florence and Juventus, the probably most famous photograph of a footballer emerged. In the 80th minute Carlo Parola made a so-called "Fallrückzieher". This had not been seen before, so this stylistically perfect acrobatics entered football history. Just at the right moment, the photographer Corrado Bianchi maked the snapshot of the "flying player" and sold it to a newspaper. A few years later, this szenefoto attracted the attention of the Panini brothers. Giuseppe Panini fascinated the portrayal of strength and harmony, so he acquired the image rights. The photo of the "flying player" served the designer Walter Vaccari as a template for the unmistakable Panini football logo. For the first time it was released on the Italian Calciatori album 1965. The logo has been often reworked since then, allways up to date. The "flying player" decorates to this day many Panini football albums and bags.